A little less than a year ago, I decided enough was enough-- if I was really serious about learning photography, I'd have to take a deep breath and shell out some serious dough (well, serious for me, anyway!) to buy a digital camera. I knew that once I did that, I'd learn much faster than I had been with my film camera because of the immediate feedback. "Does this light work?" "Did I over/ underexpose?" and a lot of "Hmm.. I wonder what happens when I do this?" Trial and error has been my best friend, and even after all my reading and experimenting and shooting, I'm realizing that I still have volumes to learn.
Part of learning is exposing yourself to new situations. I'm interested in doing not only news photography, but weddings and portraits as well. However, in order to book those jobs, you need to have a place where future clients can see your work. So, after much anticipation (at least on my part,) here it is!
The site is definitely a work in progress and I'll be adding my new favorite images as time goes on. This blog will remain the first spot to visit for recent shoots and things that don't quite fit the theme of the website. Eventually, the site will be used purely for my "commercial" work-- weddings, portraits and headshots, and I will keep the music, photojournalism, and other random images to the blog or in the featured galleries.
Enough of my blabber.
Go check it out and let me know what you think! :)