I know, I know. I’ve been horrible about posting photos! I guess I could say that I got swept up with the busy-ness of the holiday season, but there is no excuse for not typing at least
something here. I’ve always made resolutions for the New Year, but I rarely keep them (much less remembered them!) This year, I'm going to try something new. I am making goals instead. And goal numero uno? You guessed it—more blogging! I know what you're thinking-- "It's already mid-January and you're only
now making your goals?" Yep. Goal numero dos is to stop procrastinating. So, I am going to play catch up for a couple posts and then, hopefully, I will be back on top of things. I will try to blog every week, even if it means catching you up on the banalities of my life--which sock I lost in the dryer this particular week, for example-- though hopefully I will have enough pictures to post to spare you those details. ;)
There’s one more very important thing I need to say before I get to the picture posting—I am a lucky girl (queue that music above!) Why, you may ask? Because over the course of this past year, I have gotten to know quite a few absolutely amazing people—families, actors, musicians, couples. I am so grateful that you’ve put your faith in me as your photographer, and that you’ve let me into your world and shared your passions with me. I feel lucky to know you and am grateful for your time, your business, and your friendship. Happy 2009!
… and yes, here come the pictures.
Starting off-- a few from my trip home to the Big Island of Hawaii to visit my family for Christmas. This set is from
South Point-- the southern most part of the United States (whaddaya know!) South Point is famous for its windmills and orange clay dirt. We woke up super early on Christmas morning to get there as the sun was coming up. Check it out:

My sisters and I-- doesn't this look like a terrible place to grow up? I didn't even have to photoshop the rainbow in! :)