Last night I attended a screening of various short films produced by
The Greenhouse, a non-profit media cooperative. It's a really awesome concept-- artists of all kinds getting together to create films. Everyone contributes their individual talents, from writing, acting, lighting, sound, craft services, etc... and sometimes members even learn new skills depending on the needs of the production crew. Last night, all this collaboration resulted in three incredibly entertaining shorts: Why I Do, What I Do; You've Got Potential!; and Spy Games. These films should be online soon, so check out their website at when you have the chance!
I've been fortunate enough to work with several Greenhouse actors, including Hans, Julie C. and Julie L., whose headshots are posted below. They are a truly talented group, and I look forward to seeing more Greenhouse films soon.
*A special thank you to Hans, who invited me to last night's event and who introduced me to both Julie L.
and Julie C.! :)

I like the hat one best.