Here are a few of my sister Melissa's graduation from Stanford University on June 15 in Palo Alto. We're so proud!! She majored in Earth Systems and is soon heading to Ireland to work on an organic cabbage farm and galavant across Europe. I sure wish I could go with her!
One thing that's really neat about Stanford's graduation is the "wacky walk," where all the undergraduates walk into the ceremony dressed in completely wild and utterly brainy outfits. We saw graduates tossing around arm chair-sized paper mache planets and circled each other like a solar system, there were swing dancers, sun bathers (who literally disrobed and laid out on the stadium grass during the procession), a giant, rasterized photo of Oprah, the commencement speaker, and a whole bunch of human-sized crayons (yay Purple Foothills Melissa!)
Congrats little sis!! I love you! :)
Twins! My mom and my aunty Eileen walking towards the Baccalaureate Celebration. Click here for an absolutely incredible and motivating speech by Rev. Peter J. Gomes. He comes on at around 23:50. Wowee!

The beautiful graduate:

Wacky members of Stanford's marching band:

Melissa as a purple crayon:

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